First post!
Welcome to False Productivity!
Hello hello hello. I am super excited about this for some reason. I wanted to do a blog for quite some time but it was a little daunting to see that even a simple blogging website was difficult to make (if you want to make it properly, not talking about a blog website with vanilla JS) so I kept putting it off for a long time. I did have another website like this but that one didn’t use markdown because I thought markdown couldn’t render math. I never saw any math equations on GitHub and as far as I remember, I think I looked a teensy bit into and gave up immediately. Then finally I found some inspiration…
Enter tmwilliamlin168
I found this guy William Lin from Codeforces who is also a IOI gold medalist. I also found his youtube channel and watched a videos of his. Then I borderline stalked him (if you don’t consider finding his IOI profile and youtube channel stalking enough), and found his blog. After seeing that, I felt like some sort of duty was enthrusted upon me, that I needed to make a blog, otherwise I would be very sad. I don’t know why I felt like that but that really boosted my work rate for this project. I saw on his blog that he used NextJS and Tailwind CSS. So I decided that I would do the same. I went to learn NextJS. It said that I should first be familiar with ReatJS. So I went to learn ReactJS. Completed its tutorial in 6 hours and came back to learn NextJS
The Great Big Going
While making their tutorial blog, I realized I HADN’T LEARNT SHIT. Literally everything in that tutorial went over my head. That’s why I soon gave up on Next. Lol no I didn’t. I was way in over my head so I decided it was time to install Tailwind. I had no clue what I was doing. But soon I ended up hating Tailwind because it required me to actually know CSS which was not gonna happen. So I got rid of it and tried out Bulma. This time I got a little further and managed to make a header for the landing page. It looked quite nice if I do say so myself. Then I proceeded to dump that entire project for something which was perfect for the job.
Static site generators FTW
Yes, I discovered Jekyll. Then I discovered Hugo. Then I discovered PaperMod. Then I made this in 1 day. Life’s good.
- (25th Jan, 2022) Some time between now and 22nd May 2021, I kinda gave up on this blog because I couldn’t find content that was satisfying enough for me to write. On the one hand, that’s actually quite nice because it means my taste buds have matured for this stuff. But the fact remains that I still can’t come up with cool things to put here. This implies that I still haven’t become quite cool enough to write anything cool here :(. An obligatory analogical image: I have also decided to switch to Ink from PaperMod. Unlike PaperMod, Ink was a pain in the aass to setup. This time, I did not make this in 1 day, unfortunately.